K8s Installing Grafana Prometheus and Loki
Posted on January 15, 2023 by ‐ 2 min read

Logging and Monitoring in k8s
Logging and monitoring in Kubernetes are important for understanding the behavior and performance of a cluster. Logging allows tracking events and activities, while monitoring provides real-time visibility into the resource usage, performance, and availability of the cluster and its components. Together, they help detect and diagnose issues, troubleshoot problems and ensure the cluster is running smoothly.
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting system. It collects metrics from monitored targets by scraping metrics HTTP endpoints on these targets. It stores all scraped samples locally and runs rules over this data to either aggregate and record new time series from existing data or generate alerts.
Grafana is an open-source visualization and analytics platform. It allows you to query, visualize, and alert on metrics and logs no matter where they are stored. It supports various data sources, including Prometheus, and can be used to create dashboards for analyzing and monitoring metrics.
Loki is an open-source, horizontally-scalable, highly-available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost-effective and easy to operate, as it does not index the contents of the logs, but rather a set of labels for each log stream. It allows to search and analyze logs by labels, which can be used as a replacement for Prometheus metrics for certain use cases.
Installing kube-prometheus-stack
# picks up metrics of service monitors
serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
serviceMonitorSelector: { }
serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: { }
defaultDatasourceEnabled: true
- name: Loki
type: loki
url: http://loki-loki-distributed-query-frontend.monitoring:3100
helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install prom prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring --create-namespace --values prom-values.yaml --version 44.2.1
Installing prom-tail
serverPort: 80
- url: http://loki-loki-distributed-gateway/loki/api/v1/push
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install promtail grafana/promtail -f promtail-values.yaml -n monitoring --version 6.8.1
Installing loki
helm upgrade --install loki grafana/loki-distributed -n monitoring --version 0.69.1
Viewing Grafana
kubectl port-forward service/prom-grafana 3000:80 -n monitoring
The default login to Grafana is user “admin” password “prom-operator”.